About Me
I am passionate about building excellent software that improves the lives of those around me. I specialize in creating software for clients ranging from individuals and small-businesses all the way to large enterprise corporations. What would you do if you had a software expert available at your fingertips?
What I Use
I use C# on a daily basis to build full-stack web applications. You can see my work implementing C# in my projects
I use proven desgin patterns and frameworks to build websites. ASP.NET core Web and MVC fits the bill for most projects.
I use HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to build beautiful responsive website. Bootstrap is my go to CSS framework. Many shy away from the front-end, but I embrace it.
Javascript is the language of the web. I use Vanilla JS and I am comfortable with many JS frameworks. Check out my challenges section for some JS projects!
SQL is the language of the database. My projects all utilize a database. I have used Postgres on all of them. I can write SQL on any DB platform.
I use git and github for all my projects. Git is the most used source control framework on the planet. I also employ CI/CD for publishing.
Showcasing complete function projects demonstrates what I can bring to your project. I built these projects from the ground up to demonstate skill wiith front-end, back-end, security, and database development. All these projects are full-stack web applications that are published so that you cna demo them easily! You can contact me for a complete code walk-through.
A FullStack Bug Tracker Application built with ASP.NET, MVC, C#, Postgres, CSS, Bootstrap 5, and Javascript. This is a multi tennet application deisgned to track issue tickets' progress.
A FullStack Contact Application built with ASP.NET, MVC, C#, Postgres, CSS, Bootstrap 5, and Javascript. Contact Pro allows users to store contacts with or without a category.
A Fullstack Applcation built with ASP.NET, MVC, C#, Postgres, CSS, Bootstrap 5, and Javascript. This is a Blog Application that allows registered users to create a blog. Users that are not registerd are able to view blogs on this application.
Showcasing complete function projects demonstrates what I can bring to your project. I built these projects from the ground up to demonstate skill wiith front-end, back-end, security, and database development. All these projects are full-stack web applications that are published so that you cna demo them easily! You can contact me for a complete code walk-through.
Javascript Application built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 5, and Javascript. This application will print numbers from 0 to 100, displaying even numbers in bold.
Learn moreJavascript Application built with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap 5. Given a stop value, fizz and buzz value this application will print a range of numbers. Based on divisibility by the stop and start value, "FizzBuzz", "Fizz", "Buzz" or just the number will be printed until the stop value is reached.
Learn moreJavascript Application built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 5, and Javascript. Palindrome is application that takes a string from the user and reverses it.
Learn moreJavascript Application built with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap 5. Given array of event data to build, this application with show events from the company SuperDog.
Learn moreThis a coding excercise using a 3rd-party API to dynamically display data on the web page. Movie List uses the TMDB API to display a list of the currently popular movies.
Learn moreBlog
I write on my blog on a regular basis. I think its important to share your knowledge with others.